Salam aleykum brothers and sisters,

I am in preparation for an application test that takes place in a few months. This is a very competetive exam where about 10.000 people attend and only 850 are taken. We have an official list what we have to learn for this exam, but everyone is free to use the books/sources he/she likes.

The thing is, I know 1 or 2 people who wrote it and were succesful, so I sometimes ask them for tips etc. and they help me out (may Allah reward them). I am also a person that researches very much and reads much about things so I am prepared as best as possible. There are other "friends" (colleagues) that also want to write this test. I helped them out with many things and gave them a lot of tips (because I am doing/have done a lot more research than them), so they are benefiting from it too. But now I found out a few new things through a day long research again, and also my friends gave me a few other helpful tips.

My question now is: Is it bad/sinful if I don't share everything with the other people? They are people I like and I wish for them to succeed too, but I (completely honest) can say that I invested much more time and effort for researching/asking around/gathering information than them. Sometimes we see each other and study together (well, in the same room atleast), so this would imply me not mentioning my further knowledge when I am with them.

Jazakallah khair for your help and may Allah keep us close to our Deen.

submitted by /u/CasualAustrian
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