Once a young lady saw the young man as a potential and decided to marry. After marriage, she would tell her husband that he was very important, that she would always be there for him and would never go against him. She would do her best to make him happy and guard his honor. Basically, everything that a good wife should do for her husband

As time went on, the husband would try and do what he can for his wife. He would provide for her, a comfortable home, there was food, clothing and luxuries. He would try and help her where he could, cooked often and helped clean. Ofcourse, he can only do so much, so while he was busy working and providing, his time ofcourse is limited with her.

The wife sitting at home got a little bored, while the husband was away at work and contacted one of her guy friends from before marriage. She chatted with him, something she considered "harmless", all behind the husbands back and she started to catch feelings.

Her husband asked who she would be talking to and she admitted it was just a friend and after some questioning forbade her from talking to the guy. She ofcourse wasn't happy and argued back, he asked why she couldn't stop talking to the guy. She didn't have an answer, or wouldn't say so she conceded and said she would stop. She stayed true to her word for a period of time, but with all the luxuries and comforts and nothing to worry about her boredom came back.

How nice it would be to do this and do that, and enjoy this and travel and see things and have fun, things her husband couldn't fully do because he had to work and be responsible. Things she was benefitting from. So she broke her promise and contacted the guy again, just to "chat", harmless she told herself. And with time and the glitz and glamor of a single life, no obligations or anything, she was attracted to that life and so she started having stronger feelings for this guy.

Husband would be gone, she would message and talk to the guy. Husband would be at work, and she met him at the mall, or at the ice cream shop and chat and He having no care that she was married, also started talking as if they were an item. They were "dating" while she was married.

Cheating never lasts long nor does it stay hidden, so eventually the husband found out, but had no idea about the full picture, and confronted her. She admitted, but she lied through her teeth about the details. As the husband questioned her more, and cornered her more, the more he found out and day by day, they fought because of her betrayal the more he found out.

One day the husband asked her about things that were bothering him and she confessed to the strong emotions and admitted to meeting him in person and how they talked about themselves. So he asked her why and said he something to the effect:

"When we decided to get married, you promised and I promised, You committed and I committed. I worked hard, and through what Allah(swt) had provided me, I was able to afford this beautiful home. I was able to afford the food we eat and what haven't we tried. These beautiful clothes, and what don't you have. All this jewelry, what don't you wear? These fancy shoes, multiple for all the occasions, what haven't you worn and how many have waitn to be worn?

You hadn't been to places, yet we travelled. You hadn't seen goodness and patience yet what patience I have had. You were tired and how haven't I helped? You were hungry and didn't I cook, and what food you got to enjoy from my very hands? After all this, you went behind my back for that?

Then after saying all that, he said something that should be engraved in Gold. "Now I have an iota of an idea of how Allah(swt) feels."

When we accept Islam, did we not make a promise to Allah(swt) that we would submit and accept Allah(swt) as our lord? That we would stay true and never commit shirk, minor or major. That we would appreciate and be thankful. That we would stay away from haram and away from sin, to not listen and be mislead by Shaytan. Yet we cheat and disobey just like that disobedient cheating wife. We all have to ask ourselves, is that who we are?

submitted by /u/g3t_re4l
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2ScOODt
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