January 2019

Winters are so harsh these days and the only thing that feels pleasant during cold wintery days are hot showers! Scalding and hot showers are pleasant and soothing to the body and soul! But have you ever wondered what it could do to your hair? It’s often said hot water can potentially damage hair. In this post, we are going to answer this very important question, “can washing your hair with hot water damage it.? Read on to find out more:

Can Washing your Hair with Hot Water Damage

Hair loss depends on several factors and hot water is not the only cause. Hot water cannot cause hair loss; however, boiling water at extremely high temperature could damage the scalp and make hair follicles weak, and can cause hair to fall out. The good news is that most women don’t wash their hair with boiling water since obviously it’s not bearable. Just enough hot water would not cause any damage to hair or trigger hair fall. I’m going for a hot shower right away!

Hot water can actually cleanse the scalp effectively compared to cold water, (for years the pure and innocent water has been blamed for hair loss). Also, hot water has no effect on hair growth patterns. The only downside is if you’re regularly washing your hair with very hot water, you could dry out the scalp which would leave you with oily scalp because the scalp will start overproducing oils, which could damage hair roots and cause hair fall. So, yes, try to use hot and tepid water alternatively to clean hair.

Some Tips To Prevent Hair Fall:

  • Wash your hair with warm water and NOT scalding hot water to avoid hair fall or drying out the scalp.
  • Another most common mistake most people make is by excessively washing their hair. Give yourself and your hair a break, frequent hair washes can make hair dry and frizzy since natural oils are stripped away. People with voluminous, oily hair can wash often compared to people with thin and dry hair. Oily hair women can wash hair with moderately hot water to get rid of excess sebum and to cleanse scalp, however, normal to dry hair types can stick with warm water to cleansing.
  • Right after a warm shampoo session, rinse your hair with cold water to seal in moisture and get glossy and soft hair (it really works!)
  • Before washing hair, detangle your hair using a wide-toothed comb and hair serum to avoid breakage.
  • Avoid brushing your hair right after a shampoo, wait till it’s dry completely to avoid unwanted breakage/hair fall.
  • If you have hair fall problem, add biotin supplements to your diet.
  • Hair promoting foods include eggs, berries, dry nuts, avocado, seeds, fish, shrimp, soya beans, beans. Healthy diet could improve the texture and reduce hair fall, still if you suffer from hair fall get professional help as soon as possible.

Hot water showers are tempting these days, but setting the right water temperature for the hair is important for healthy hair. Hope you enjoy your warm showers, thanks for reading!

The post Can Washing your Hair with Hot Water Damage it? appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

from Makeupandbeauty.com http://bit.ly/2sXdjWS

best dating apps for android
Despite all of our advances in technology, dating hasn’t changed hardly at all in the 21st century. You meet people, talk to them, and maybe start dating if enough sparks fly. There are some dating apps out there that can help this process along. However, based on our research, dating apps in general still need major improvements. It simply doesn’t have any flagship products that are just really good. Most of these experiences were frustrating, but a few stood out as being usable. There are few, if any, decent free dating apps. Those that do cost money (most of them) are fairly expensive. Just a heads up. Here are the best dating apps for Android. All of these apps are at least usable by you LGBTQ folks out there. Additionally, the prices for dating apps changes a lot with little notice several times per year. Prices are approximate. We still recommend the usual methods of dating, including friend introductions, public places, Facebook, and the other usual suspects.

Anatomy of a dating app

Almost all dating apps have a few features in common. That includes location-based results, profiles, and some method of communication. All ten of the dating apps on this list have those features. The first feature, location, makes recommendations from us to you a little difficult. Most big cities have a decent supply of potential matches for most types of people. However, your success in any given dating app is ultimately reliant on how popular that app is in your area.

This is why Tinder is so popular. Tinder is popular basically everywhere, so there is a healthy selection of matches in most well-populated areas. Something a little more niche, like Happn or Bumble, may not have a huge user base in your area and, thus, matches be rarer than you would like.

Before we get started, our blanket recommendation for everyone is to find the apps with a larger user base in your area. That helps ensure you get plenty of matches, and by extension, a higher chance of finding someone actually compatible with you. If you try one of the niche apps and don’t get results after a week or two, we recommend ditching it entirely for a more popular option. If all else fails, our best recommendation is Tinder because, as stated, it’s popular everywhere. Good luck!


Price: Free / $1.99-$24.99
Bumble is one of those dating apps that tries to shake things up. It'll match you like normal. However, women get to initiate chats first. She'll have 24 hours to do so and then the man will have 24 hours to reciprocate. In homosexual matches, either one can go first. Many have touted this as a way to weed out creepy people. However, we couldn't verify that one way or the other and it makes things a little difficult for male users. The app does, in fact, show you possible matches and it gives you the opportunity to talk to new people. It has problems, but it's still a cut above a lot of others. We do like it for non-straight people, though, since they do get the classic dating experience without any bottlenecks.

Clover Dating

Price: Free with in-app purchases / $9.99 per month
Clover is an up-and-coming dating app. It's a more traditional dating app. You'll search for people like you and hopefully it works out. It offers the ability to set up dates, join mixers, find events, and a lot more. Unlike most, this one boasts a free chat. You can also set your profile to just look for friends instead of dating. That makes it somewhat decent for platonic relationships as well. It's not overly popular so you may not find many results in your area. However, the reviews are more positive than most. This one has a bit of a problem with spam bots, though. We recommend some patience if you use this one.
Clover Dating

Coffee Meets Bagel

Price: Free with in-app purchases
Coffee Meets Bagel is one of the more popular dating apps out there. Every day at noon, men will get a curated list of women in their area. Women will get a curated list as well, but the list will prioritize men who have already expressed interest. Matches are given a private chat room to get to know one another better. It's also LGBTQ friendly for you folks out there. It's a clean process and perfect for those who have busy lifestyles. No flicking through profiles all day long. Like most, it has its fair share of problems, but most of them are somewhat tolerable. You can also buy in-app currency to get perks like more visibility and other features.
Coffee Meets Bagel


Price: Free with in-app purchases
Happn is a local dating app. It uses your GPS to find people close to you. It does so with varying degrees of success depending on where you live. Like most dating apps, this one won't do you any good if it's not a popular app in your area. Thus, if you don't get a ton of matches, you should probably give up on this one. The app works by showing you who you cross paths with in real life. Once it happens enough times, their profile shows up on your timeline. You can then connect and chat. This is a neat concept because you're automatically matched with people who are usually in the same kinds of areas you are and that can be a helpful ice breaker. You can buy coins as in-app purchases. Like Coffee Meets Bagel, they're useful for adding functionality and increasing your visibility to other users.


Price: Free / $9.99 per month with in-app purchases
MeetMe is another one of those location-based dating apps. It features a simple. colorful interface that's easy to use. It also boasts over 100 million downloads and uses between all the various platforms. Its original intention is to be used as a way to meet people in your area. However, if enough sparks fly, those people can easily become more than just friends. The biggest issue with this one is the fake profiles and it's a fairly serious problem. However, most of these apps have fake profile problems so we're not sure when enough is enough. Still, we recommend this one for patient people and, by all means, if you can't find anything in a few weeks, get rid of it.


Price: Free / Up to $19.99 per month
OkCupid is one of the most popular dating apps out there. You've probably heard of this one before. It boasts over 40 million people although we're not sure how many of those are daily active users. It uses a more traditional dating site method. It'll ask you a bunch of questions and try to find matches based on similar interests. It also has some more modern dating apps features, like swiping away profiles you want or don't want. It'll ask you to subscribe to a monthly payment plan to unlock all the good features. The app has some strict, ambiguous rules about some things and the app itself is occasionally slow and buggy. Otherwise, it's actually not half bad.

Plenty of Fish (POF)

Price: Free / $12.90 per 3 months / $81.60 per year
POF is definitely among the best dating apps on the list. It allows you to join for free, message people for free, and engage with the app for free. However, the idea that it bills itself as a free dating app is hogwash because you definitely have to pay money for more advanced features. Anyway, this one seems to work pretty well. The interface is clean and everything is simple to use. There are some issues here and there, but nothing too drastic. It works pretty well, at least for a dating app.


Price: Free / $9.99-$19.99 per month
Tinder is essentially the modern dating app. You've probably heard of this one already. Every time you load up the app, it shows you some profiles. You swipe one way if you like them, or swipe the other way if you don't. If a match is made, you can converse in a private chat to arrange a meet up. This app can be used for doing anything from finding friends to one night stands and everything between. It has bugs, some spam accounts, and some other issues. However, it's a good place to get started in the dating apps scene. In addition, the popularity helps ensure that people in most areas get profiles to look at that are also real people, and popularity actually does matter with dating apps.


Price: Free with in-app purchases / ~$29.99 per month
Zoosk is another one of the most popular dating apps out there. It has a ton of users although we're not sure how many of them are active. It's a fairly standard dating app. You'll create a profile, meet people, and hopefully things go further. Zoosk uses an old-school social media style for their service rather than the more modern quick match style like Tinder. However, that also makes it a prime candidate for spam bots and other such stuff. This one is kind of a wildcard, so use it at your own risk. The service also has two paywalls and we're not big fans of that.

Chat room apps

Price: Free / Varies
Chat room apps can be decent dating apps if you're the right type of person. Some people don't mind online dating and some people may actually prefer it. Chat room apps give you a chance to join tons of chat rooms, find people with similar interests, and get to know them better. It definitely helps scratch that social itch that single people often get and the online aspect makes it a little easier to manage. Of course, it doesn't substitute a good cuddle or other real human contact. However, we thought it would be a good idea to mention that this is an option to cover every conceivable base. We have a list of chat room apps you can find by clicking on the button above.

15 best free Android apps of 2019!

10 best texting apps and SMS apps for Android

If we missed any of the best dating apps for Android, tell us about them in the comments! We know Match.com’s app isn’t here, but it has some problems it needs to fix before we include it again. You can also check out our latest Android app and game lists by clicking here!

Read Next: Best dating apps in India: Tinder, Truly Madly, and more

from Apps & Games – Android Authority http://bit.ly/2zvGGSJ

Hope you are all doing great. theBalm cosmetics recently came up with a new line of creamy lip stains and in this post, I am going to review theBalmJour Creamy Lip Stain Hello from this range. So without further ado, read on to find out whether “Hello” is a hit or a miss.

theBalmJour Creamy Lip Stain HellotheBalmJour Creamy Lip Stain Hello Review appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

from Makeupandbeauty.com http://bit.ly/2SpnCS9

Hi all

A Muslim coworker of mine invited me to an inter-faith dinner at our local Islam center. I believe we will all pray then go eat. I'm not a total stranger to Islam, I have lived in the Middle East in the past for two years and know a fair amount about the religion. But I want to bring a gift as a sign of respect and admiration for him and his religion. Do you have any ideas?

submitted by /u/sleuthingninja
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2Gfrq1u

Salam guys.

I'm looking for a particular story/quote

Don't recall the name of the Sahaba (I'm assuming). Story was about not preaching 24/7 and how he didn't want to become a pain and only spoke to people is they asked about religion. I'm paraphrasing but I think story went something like he'd only teach once or twice a week in fear that the people didn't consider him being annoying even though he wanted to or had more to offer.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/salmans13
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2UuzjEf

I'm sorry the title is really vague I think but I have a hard time explaining it as I don't fully understand myself.

So, I'm 22F and my plan this year was to move out and live in my university city. I don't want to get in to why. Appartment prices are through the roof in this country so I would have to take out a student loan to pay for school and some other expenses. My side job has a good pay so with those two incomes combined I should be able to live comfortably.

I only decided to take out a loan in order to move out when I found out that there was no interest involved. 0%. I didn't believe it when people told me so but it's true.

So I got my parents permission to move out and started looking. Today after a viewing I decided to look better in to the whole thing because I knew something had to be off. And I find out that there is actually no way to know whether I will pay back my loan with riba as they will only set that percentage when I start paying it off (2 years after graduation). Could be 0, close to zero or more if the government decides to screw the people over.

As for now I'm finding out whether I understood correctly and if there's some type of loophole but I was really really upset. My heart dropped when I found this out. Moving out has been something I looked forward to for AGES. I need it, I need it to ne happy and my parents support it and I don't know how I will cope if I can move out only after studies (summer 2020 in sha allah). As I mentioned I don't want to get into the reasons but I really feel it's best for me and parents agree. I seriously considered dropping out of my masters programme. So please understand this is so very important to me.

But what to do about the whole loan thing? Is there anyone that can answer this from an islamic perspective or ask their lokal sheikh or something. I can't stand the idea of ever, maybe, having to pay interest. It breaks my heart but giving up my long time goal, one of the very few things that keep me going, also breaks my heart. So basically I am stuck. Actually been crying over this today.

So back to my question: would it be okay to take out a loan only because they say there is no interest? It's never in my intention to purposely get into a loan with riba. But on the other hand, I don't know if I want to take the risk. Idk what to do really.

Ps: if you recognise the country I'm talking about and you understand how it works, feel free to pm me. It's in Europe.

submitted by /u/Foolxumo
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2WwP933

All Fired Up

Stila All Fired Up Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Trio ($25.00 for 0.21 oz.) includes two copper hues and a lighter, white gold shade. Two shades were quite sheer and would work best for layering or a soft wash of sparkle, while Burnished Sienna had a bit more coverage (and was more buildable) and could be used visibly as a standalone product. If you tend to pick up this formula to add sparkle or brighten an area, I think they work well for those purposes. If you’re looking for a punch of color and sparkle, you’ll likely find these lacking. I don’t find that Stila does a great job of setting expectations, as their promotional imagery shows full coverage for most of the Glitter & Glow shades with a couple (like Diamond Dust) as specifically sheer. The reality is that most shades are sheer to semi-sheer with the occasional shade (like Molten Midnight) that is more pigmented.

Sunset Fire

Sunset Fire is a light-medium copper with warm, orange undertones and flecks of gold glitter. It had sheer color payoff that was hard to build up, but the base definitely had a copper tint to it and does transform the color of any products it is layered over (may be more or less of a change depending on that the base color was!). Very occasionally, Stila will actually describe a Glitter & Glow shade as sheer, but they did not do so with this one. With the sheerness, I would recommend this for layering or for all-over application as the base was fairly translucent and didn’t seem to go on unevenly when blended out with a fingertip. The liquid eyeshadow wore well for 10 hours with a smidgen of fallout over time.

Formula Overview

$24.00/0.15 oz. - $160.00 Per Ounce

Stila says that it’s supposed to be a “long-wearing, sparkle eye shadow” in a “water-infused texture” that “dries down smoothly” with “minimal fallout.” There’s a lot to be impressed by with the formula, but there was some inconsistency in opacity and overall wateriness between shades so not all shades were equally impressive. When they’re good, they were pigmented, dried down evenly without creasing, and were long-wearing with minimal fallout. When they’re less impressive, they are more watery, semi-sheer to semi-opaque, prone to creasing as they dry down, though the wear is similar across all shades.

I felt like there was less fallout with the less blending done with them, e.g. applying directly to lid and only minimally working along the edges yielded the least fallout compared to diffusing and blending out the color with a brush. If I accidentally rubbed an eye, it seemed to interfere with the integrity of the wear completely–it was like a downhill avalanche of glitter that could not be stopped. They were easiest to use as the last step in a look, patted over eyeshadow with fingertip or swiped on with the sponge applicator for more of a “cut crease” kind of effect, or used along the lash line as eyeliner (I liked using a thin, liquid eyeliner brush to get a thinner line). They removed fairly well, but it was hard to get every last bit of glitter off the skin, though it was never painful or uncomfortable to remove them.

Browse all of our Stila Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow swatches.


Water, Polyethylene Terephthalate, Glycerin, Acrylates Copolymer, Calcium Aluminum Borosilicate, Mica, Calcium Titanium Borosilicate, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Caprylyl Glycol, Squalane, Phenoxyethanol, Triethanolamine, Polyurethane-11, Hexylene Glycol, Carbomer, Polysorbate 60, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Tin Oxide, Sorbitan Isostearate, Aluminum. May Contain (+/-): Titanium Dioxide (Ci 77891), Iron Oxide (Ci 77491), Red 40 (Ci 16035), Yellow 5 Lake (Ci 19140).

Follow the Sun

Follow the Sun seemed to have a nearly translucent base (possibly gold-tinted but totally lost on my skin) with a mix of platinum and gold glitter. It had sheer coverage–wish Stila would see fit to aptly describe the sheerness in this range, as they have for at least a couple of shades in the past–that did not build up. I would recommend this shade to be used for layering over another eyeshadow to add minimal color transformation but maximum finish amplification with the addition of a fair amount of glitter. The texture was lightweight, thin, and watery, but the sparkles/glitters seemed to distribute well across my skin. It lasted well for 10 hours with slight fallout over time.

Formula Overview

$24.00/0.15 oz. - $160.00 Per Ounce

Stila says that it’s supposed to be a “long-wearing, sparkle eye shadow” in a “water-infused texture” that “dries down smoothly” with “minimal fallout.” There’s a lot to be impressed by with the formula, but there was some inconsistency in opacity and overall wateriness between shades so not all shades were equally impressive. When they’re good, they were pigmented, dried down evenly without creasing, and were long-wearing with minimal fallout. When they’re less impressive, they are more watery, semi-sheer to semi-opaque, prone to creasing as they dry down, though the wear is similar across all shades.

I felt like there was less fallout with the less blending done with them, e.g. applying directly to lid and only minimally working along the edges yielded the least fallout compared to diffusing and blending out the color with a brush. If I accidentally rubbed an eye, it seemed to interfere with the integrity of the wear completely–it was like a downhill avalanche of glitter that could not be stopped. They were easiest to use as the last step in a look, patted over eyeshadow with fingertip or swiped on with the sponge applicator for more of a “cut crease” kind of effect, or used along the lash line as eyeliner (I liked using a thin, liquid eyeliner brush to get a thinner line). They removed fairly well, but it was hard to get every last bit of glitter off the skin, though it was never painful or uncomfortable to remove them.

Browse all of our Stila Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow swatches.


Water, Polyethylene Terephthalate, Glycerin, Calcium Titanium Borosilicate, Acrylates Copolymer, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Squalane, Caprylyl Glycol, Phenoxyethanol, Mica, Triethanolamine, Carbomer, Hexylene Glycol, Polysorbate 60, Sorbitan Isostearate, Tin Oxide. May Contain (+/-): Titanium Dioxide (Ci 77891), Iron Oxide (Ci 77491).

Burnished Sienna

Burnished Sienna is a medium-dark, reddish copper base with flecks of large, gold glitter and finer copper sparkle. It had medium color payoff in a single layer, which I could also sheer out or build up to more opaque coverage (make sure to wait for the first layer to dry down fully). The glitter/sparkles spread evenly and dispersed well as I applied the product. The consistency was watery with a quick dry down but applied best with a secondary tool rather than its include doe-foot applicator. Once the liquid eyeshadow dried down, it stayed on well for 10 hours with a smidgen of fallout over time.

Formula Overview

$24.00/0.15 oz. - $160.00 Per Ounce

Stila says that it’s supposed to be a “long-wearing, sparkle eye shadow” in a “water-infused texture” that “dries down smoothly” with “minimal fallout.” There’s a lot to be impressed by with the formula, but there was some inconsistency in opacity and overall wateriness between shades so not all shades were equally impressive. When they’re good, they were pigmented, dried down evenly without creasing, and were long-wearing with minimal fallout. When they’re less impressive, they are more watery, semi-sheer to semi-opaque, prone to creasing as they dry down, though the wear is similar across all shades.

I felt like there was less fallout with the less blending done with them, e.g. applying directly to lid and only minimally working along the edges yielded the least fallout compared to diffusing and blending out the color with a brush. If I accidentally rubbed an eye, it seemed to interfere with the integrity of the wear completely–it was like a downhill avalanche of glitter that could not be stopped. They were easiest to use as the last step in a look, patted over eyeshadow with fingertip or swiped on with the sponge applicator for more of a “cut crease” kind of effect, or used along the lash line as eyeliner (I liked using a thin, liquid eyeliner brush to get a thinner line). They removed fairly well, but it was hard to get every last bit of glitter off the skin, though it was never painful or uncomfortable to remove them.

Browse all of our Stila Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow swatches.


Water, Polyethylene Terephthalate, Glycerin, Calcium Titanium Borosilicate, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Acrylates Copolymer, Mica, Silica, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Caprylyl Glycol, Squalane, Phenoxyethanol, Polyurethane-11, Triethanolamine, Hexylene Glycol, Carbomer, Polysorbate 60, Sorbitan Isostearate, Tin Oxide, Aluminum. May Contain (+/-): Iron Oxide (Ci 77491), Titanium Dioxide (Ci 77891), Red 40 (Ci 16035), Yellow 5 Lake (Ci 19140).

Stila All Fired Up Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Trio

Stila All Fired Up Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Trio

Stila All Fired Up Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Trio

Stila Sunset Fire Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Sunset Fire Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Sunset Fire Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Sunset Fire Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Follow the Sun Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Follow the Sun Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Follow the Sun Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Follow the Sun Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Burnished Sienna Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Burnished Sienna Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Burnished Sienna Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Burnished Sienna Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila All Fired Up Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Trio

Stila All Fired Up Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Trio

Stila All Fired Up Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow Trio

Stila Sunset Fire Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Sunset Fire Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Sunset Fire Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Sunset Fire Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Follow the Sun Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Follow the Sun Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Follow the Sun Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Follow the Sun Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Burnished Sienna Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Burnished Sienna Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Burnished Sienna Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

Stila Burnished Sienna Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow

from Temptalia http://bit.ly/2GfSMVl