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Authentic Rulings on Suicide in Islam

I know suicide is haram in islam, but i have done more haram sins which definitly will get me in hell so i dont think it doesn't matter...

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I know suicide is haram in islam, but i have done more haram sins which definitly will get me in hell so i dont think it doesn't matter if i do suicide, i just wanted to know will i be eternally in hell if i do one, and i feel if i live, i will continue to do more sins, so its better i should just do this one last suicide sin?

submitted by /u/Sea-Demand6884
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from Islam

I am male 28, and I have been diagnosed with bipolar and sent to psych ward 3-4 times in past 2 years. I am not praying and the more I abstain from going to mosque the more fear is building up in my brain. I am not praying because my depression, anxiety, tremors and lack of motivation plus the drowsiness and diziness from my antipsychotic and anxiety medications, my doctor isn't muslim he doesn't understand me I tried manier times to explain this lack of enery but he just adds up more sleeping tablets. It's not like I don't pray at all, there are days when I pray 5 times or atleast try to attend all the prayers when I feel normal or being able to walk to the mosque. Currently I'm in a situation where I haven't gone out of house since past 10-15 days and allah only knows how long will this continue. I wish I could be just normal and pray when it's time because I know how important it is even when you are sick.

submitted by /u/polarwarrior1
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from Islam

Recentely had an interesting thought that if we as muslims believe in everything to be predestined then we technically do not believein chance or probability. For example if someone says "there is a 1 in 2 million chance that someone gets struck by lightning in their life time" this is technically false as wether someone ever gets hit by lightning or not would already be predestined rather then probablity. a more simplified thought could be that although statistically you would have a 1 in 6 chances of getting a 5 when rolling a dice, if we believe in predestination then no its not actually a 1 in 6 but wether the dice rolls a 5 or not is already predestined. The examples may seem strange but its an interesting thought i had recentely hopefully someone replies

submitted by /u/Main-Shoulder-346
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from Islam

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

As I always start, I am a relatively recent revert to Islam. Lately, I have been binging YouTube videos and channels of brothers doing da'wah. I can't stop lol. I always have one of these videos/channels playing in the background while I am at work. I learn so much about Islam like this, and I also learn about the contradictions and holes in Christianity. I find it so interesting how confident Christians are when they come up to these brothers and then refuse to listen to cogent, logical points about how their assertions and evidence are flawed. I might be overdoing it watching these videos all the time. I mix it up though with other videos about Islam that are not da'wah, but the majority of what I find myself watching is da'wah. Maybe Allah (swt) is guiding me to my new purpose in life.

submitted by /u/puroamorhtx
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from Islam

assalamu alaikum :/ i am 16 and have been muslim my whole life i really believe the strongest my iman has ever been was last year when i was 15 i felt connected to my religion and believed in what it said but all of a sudden over the past few months ive been flooded with soooo many doubts and so much uncertainty regarding life and the afterlife and god and everything in general and its reallllyyyyy messing with me all i want is to believe again i feel like a massive part of me is missing but every time a lecture is on the tv or i try to research into something i want an answer to i end up just sobbing because im so overwhelmed by the fact that ive just lost everything that felt certain to me (people who know me know i NEVER cry so this is a rlly big thing) i would have never considered myself a blind believer in the past but now that im experiencing thisss level of doubts im starting to think maybe i was just agreeing with things because everyone around me was, i would appreciate some advice or reassurance that inshallah this is just a phase :( islam is so important to me i dont want to not beleive in its truth bc rn im just so unsure and its killing me

submitted by /u/tcishaf9
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from Islam

Because I’ve seen different answers , people say that you can’t because there’s like atar/oud or some sort of fragrance on it which makes sense because fragrances are prohibited in ehraam , but others say the Kaabah is an exception , which one is right? Or is there a different answer?

submitted by /u/unknown15_n
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from Islam