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How can I be respectful to the Muslims who work at my local grocery store?

I'm a non-Muslim in America. At my local grocery store, I would guess that roughly 25-50% of the employees, and especially cashiers, ar...

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I'm a non-Muslim in America. At my local grocery store, I would guess that roughly 25-50% of the employees, and especially cashiers, are Muslim women. I fairly regularly buy pork and alcohol products there, and every time I do I feel a little twinge of guilt if the cashier is a Muslim. Is it permissible in Islam for a Muslim to sell pork/alcohol? Is it even permissible to touch them? If not, is there an easy way I could be more accommodating to the employees? I know that on a certain level they've made the personal decision to work in a grocery store, but I also understand that sometimes you have to take whatever job you can find. Being a kind person is free and if there's a simple, discreet way that I can make things more comfortable for them I'd be happy to do it. But I also don't want to make things awkward or embarrass them.

submitted by /u/iamcarlgauss
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from Islam

I am just here to share my own experience my and my current thoughts. I was born muslim, and have been surrounded mostly by muslims my whole life.

However, for my lack of faith or maybe my own laziness, I lacked in many departments. For the longest time I would rarely pray, skip fasting often during Ramadan, and just sin daily doing the most stupid things that honestly didn’t add any value to my life.

My girlfriend (I am 100% aware that it’s haram, but needed to mention for context), for some reason last week decided to start praying. I was really shocked as I’ve never seen her pray before despite both of us being muslim and honestly, despite our sins, firm believers.

That lit a fire in me, I got up and immediately prayed all the prayers I missed that day and prayed for forgiveness and for God to strengthen my faith.

Since then alhamdulillah I haven’t missed a single prayer and I have been very diligent about it.

Subhanallah guys when I tell you, I genuinely don’t want to sound like those Whatsapp moms lol, but when I tell you EVERY single problem in my life got resolved in the past 2 weeks, I am not exaggerated.

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, it is genuinely unbelievable how more at peace I feel and how happier I am now compared to 2 weeks ago.

I am aware that we are only human, and “motivation” to practice Islam can come in waves, but I am doing it this time with a sense of discipline more than motivation. No matter what happens that day I will at least pray all of my 5 prayers on time.

I am now taking steps to make my relationship halal, I have already spoken to her parents and we are planning our marriage insha’Allah

Even before I started praying properly, it is genuinely such a blessing to have been born in Islam. The values this religion had given me have taken me out of situations where I could’ve genuinely lost my life.

For anyone reading this that was in the same situation as I was, start now today, just pick up your prayer mat, do your wudu and go pray. Islam teaches us to be strong willed, caring, loving, faithful and compassionate. Nothing in this life will bring you peace more than prayer. And even in hard times, pray, this dunya is only temporary.

Allah bless all of you and Allah strengthen our iman everyday.

submitted by /u/keepitahunned
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from Islam